Thursday, February 28, 2013

I hated yo-yos as a kid

I weighed myself today and gained a pound.  I'm not happy about that.

I think a lot of it had to do with the soy sauce that went with my sushi lastnight.  It was a veggie roll so I'm not worried about that, but the sodium might not have helped.

I am an extremely impatient person.  And I can't be that way with this.  I really need to stop weighing myself so much.  But that instant gratification really gets me pumped.  So, I go back and forth.

This is going to be an extremely long process and I think a part of my mind is still comprehending that.  They say that the more weight you have to lose, you will start off pretty fast in dropping it.  But then you can hit a plateau and it will really become frustrating.  I'm trying to avoid that feeling.

So, on to another day.  Tomorrow is my 5am workout with Term and we are doing arms.  It's gonna be a long day as my brother has a performance tomorrow night that I gotta be there for.  I'm really hoping I don't ingest too many liquid calories tomorrow night.  Fingers crossed.


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