Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 4 - A quarter of the way in

Oh Lord, does it hurt!

This poster about sums up how I feel.  I'm down to 13lbs and I'm even starting to see it myself.  I can see my curves becoming tighter and my pants becoming loser.  It feels good.  But don't be misconceived, that cupcake still looks good too.

I baked an awesome cake this weekend.  Chocolate syrup cake with a homemade buttercream.  I gave the WHOLE thing away. It felt good to bake, it felt even better not to eat it.  I also made about 50 peanut butter and jelly chocolate cups with a nice sea salt topping.  I gave ALL of them away too.  I didn't even eat one.  That was rough.  It makes me wonder if I do ever open up my own bakery, will I really be able to give everything away without eating it, LOL?

I worked it out on the treadmill this weekend.  I did an 8 incline for about 45 minutes.  It.Was.Rough.  I even took a picture of myself afterwards.  I defintely worked up a sweat and a beet red face.  I was going to post on here, but my iphone also crashed this weekend and I lost a ton of stuff (hmm - maybe it was a sign not to post the picture!).  I didn't make my 5am workout this morning.  I also sliced my thumb in making the cake and well, working out and grabbing weights didn't sound too pleasant.  But, not to fret... I rescheduled for 5am tomorrow.  And Term is going to town on legs, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I went out to eat this past weekend.  Had 1 chip.  Had 1 cheesetick.  Had 1 beer.  It's all about moderation. I had grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner.  So, the healthy decisions are starting to truly become a habit.  I found a recipe on Pinterest for frozen mint chocolate chip icecream.  I am a mint choc NUT.  Apparently, they make vanilla chocolate chunk greek yogurt now by Chobani.  I'm curious to try it.  Drop in a few drops of peppermint extract and freeze for a few hours and bam - you have frozen yogurt.  So, I'm goin to see how this works soon.  But I gotta find the yogurt first.

On to another week :)


Unknown said...

That frozen yogurt idea sounds really good...I'm going to have to try it... :)

And you did do great this weekend...such discipline... that saying is true "the less you eat sweets (or bad foods), the less you crave them"

Keep up the good work... think you have inspired me to start a's great motivation

Love ya girl!

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