Friday, February 22, 2013

Greener Grass

If we take it a day at a time through a weight loss journey, the days add up and eventually turn into weeks which then turn into months which eventually turn into a year.  

I'm only 3 weeks in, but I'm still taking this a day at a time.  And those days have turned into 3 weeks which has turned into 12.2 lbs down.  :) That's exciting.

I was talking to my brother last night and he asked me "Is it starting to get easier for you"?  I didn't hesitate when I said, "Nope".  Because it's not.  It's simply becoming part of my routine.  But waking up at 5am to be murdered in the gym isn't something I think I will ever embrace.  I told him, "You know, I just don't think I will ever be one of those people that are like, 'I'm so pissed off.... let me go run a mile!'  No, I'm gonna be one of those people that says, 'I'm so pissed off, let me go bake some awesome cupcakes'".  We both laughed, because that concept even sounds funny coming out of my mouth.  I'm pissed, so let me go ride 5 miles on my bike.  No, that's just not how my mind works.  It's not who I am.  Maybe in a couple months I will feel different and read this blog and see that I do use exercise to release stress, but as for now, I just don't see it happening.  

Someone at work told me today that it's harder to gain weight then it is to lose it.  Well, I about lost it in return.  He was put on a 6,000 calorie a day diet to try and bulk up for training because he is active in racing I think.  6,000 calories a day.  He said he would get woken up at 3:30am to his trainer giving him celery and massive amounts of peanut butter.  Then he would have 2 family size frozen spaghetti meals for dinner.  Sheesh.  Yea, I could see where eating my brains out would suck.  Ummm.  That doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth either.  

Why is the grass always greener on the other side?  No matter what your problems are, someone has it worse then you.  But why does it feel like the grass is always greener?


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